Administration - Attendance Record

The administrator can use the Attendance Record to review the employee's working times, which  include the actual hours and applicable OTs. Once atttendance record is approved, the data can then be transferred to Payroll. 

Fetching Single User Attendance Record

Step 1: Click on Administration under Attendance.

Step 2: Click on 4.png .

Step 3: Select the query of either Single User or All Users.


a. Single User allows you to see the Attendance Record of a single staff for the entire month or a custom date range.


b. All Users option allows you to see the Attendance Record of all users for a particular day.

Step 4: Select the employee/s in the user field:


Step 5: Select the month you want to see.


Step 6: Click on 8.png .

The system will generate the attendance record of the selected employee.


Step 7: (Optional) As an administrator, you can also add or edit the clock-in and clock-out fields.

Step 8: Click on the 10.png at the bottom of the page to see the updated details.

Step 9: Tick the checkbox and select the dates to approve. If you want to approve the attendance record for all dates(whole month), you can click on the checkbox at the top to select all. 


Step 10: Click on the 14.png .

Undo Approval 

In cases wherein you need to modify the attendance record, an undo option is available as long as it hasn't been trasferred to Payroll. 

To undo the approval please follow the steps below: 

Step 1: Select the date/s you want to undo the approval for.

Step 2: Click on the 15.png button.

Step 3: Amend the information.

Step 4: Click on the 16.png .

Step 5: Once ready, select that date again and then click on the 14.png .

Fetching All Users Attendance Record

The All Users option will fetch all the users' attendance records for one specific day. Administrators may use this if they want to update all clocking records for that day. 

Step 1: Click on Administration under Attendance.

Step 2: Click on 4.png .

Step 3: Select the query All Users.


Step 4: Select All Users.

Step 5: Select the date 12.png

Step 6: Click on the 8.png button. The Attendance Record for all the staff for that day will appear. Update as required.


Step 7: Click on the16.png button to save changes.

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